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Datum: 5. AUG 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The Diet Every Bride Needs to Know
What do you think is the biggest problem for all brides worldwide? None of them want to look overweight at the altar, but most realize this only three days before the wedding. What to do?!
An anonymous professional wedding planner, who wishes to remain unnamed (probably to avoid being recognized), has published a 3-day meal plan for brides. It is a 3-day plan because this is when all brides panic about whether their wedding dress will fit. They all want to lose weight quickly but usually have no time for exercise.

Additionally, brides are mostly under enormous stress, on the verge of depression and nervousness, and many complain that things are getting out of control. Wedding planners agree that brides need a thick skin during the last three days.

When the bridal menu was first published in the American media, no one expected such interest in this diet. The biggest draw, of course, is how to lose noticeable weight in just a few days. This is not only of interest to brides but to a quarter of the world struggling with excess weight. Wedding planners promise that brides can lose up to 5 kilograms in 3 days.

But don't forget!

Brides are highly motivated and very consistent. Three days before the wedding, there is no time for improvisation, so they stick to the meal plan precisely, even though the diet isn't easy.

It is crucial to have 5 meals a day and to eat exactly 700 fewer calories per day than the optimal amount for your age and current weight. Also, this diet is equally effective for brides and grooms.

Remember: you can try this diet even if you aren't in a rush to get to the altar. In addition to the three days the diet lasts, you can lose just a few kilograms...

Day 1
  • Before breakfast: Drink 2 glasses of 200 ml lukewarm water. Slowly. This will activate your metabolism.
  • Breakfast: 20 minutes after the water, enjoy a breakfast of a cup of skimmed milk with a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa and a teaspoon of honey. Cocoa is rich in magnesium, which is crucial for rapid weight loss.
  • Snack: Have a grapefruit in the middle of the morning, between breakfast and lunch (at least 2 hours after waking up). As you probably know, most vitamins and minerals are in the white pulp under the peel, so don’t peel it too thoroughly. The more white you eat, the better.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of boiled white chicken meat and 300 grams of seasonal fresh green vegetables (not red - to avoid indulging in tomatoes, which are actually a fruit).
  • Snack: Drink a glass (200 ml) of plain, unsweetened yogurt or kefir (check the carbohydrates in store-bought yogurt - lower-fat yogurts often have added sugar, which is not good).
  • Dinner: A bowl of vegetable soup (cabbage or onion soup is best).

Day 2
  • Before breakfast: Drink 2 glasses of 200 ml lukewarm water.
  • Breakfast: 2 grapefruits and a cup of milk with cocoa and honey.
  • Snack: Grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 2 bowls of vegetable soup and a cup of yogurt.
  • Snack: Grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled chicken meat or white fish and fresh green vegetables.

Day 3
  • Before breakfast: Drink 2 glasses of 200 ml lukewarm water.
  • Breakfast: 2 grapefruits and a cup of milk with cocoa and honey.
  • Snack: Grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 300 to 400 ml of yogurt with or without reduced fat.
  • Snack: Grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled white chicken meat and a handful of fresh, raw green vegetables.

Throughout the diet, drink lukewarm water. Try to maintain the schedule you set on the first day for all three days. It is crucial for your body to establish a regular eating rhythm. Under no circumstances should you skip meals.

And a warning: if you ever feel tension in your stomach, feel unwell, or become too hungry, it’s better to stop this diet.

Health should always come first.

The Diet Every Bride Needs to Know
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