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Datum: 12. AUG 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
The Surprising Truth About Spicy Food
When was the last time you ate something really spicy? If you haven't done so in the past week, you might have a problem ...
Between 2004 and 2008, the Institute of Nutrition at Harvard in the USA analyzed 487,375 people aged between 39 and 75. They compared their medical records and found some surprising statistics hidden in the data. What stood out most to the researchers was the connection between spicy food and certain diseases. During this time, 11,820 men and 8,404 women died, and among those who said they regularly consumed spicy food, not a single one died from cancer, stroke, or lung problems.

These data, drawn from such a large sample, are very telling and support another study conducted years earlier by Chinese researchers, which has yet to be refuted or confirmed. The Chinese believe that capsaicin and other antioxidants (found abundantly in spicy dishes, especially chili peppers) reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevent obesity, diabetes, various inflammations, and even cancer.

We're only now discovering in the West that this might be true. Some studies have confirmed the medicinal effects of chili peppers. Hot peppers and chili peppers strengthen the heart muscle and restore the respiratory system. Moreover, people who eat something spicy every day live 14% longer, which translates to almost 10 years difference!

Spicy food is also good for circulation, provides energy, and helps fight seasonal illnesses (especially flu and colds). Spicy peppers are also known as antidepressants, antiseptics, diuretics, and aphrodisiacs, so after consuming them, you’ll not only clear your intestines, heal a stomach ulcer, and lower your body temperature (don't be misled by the fact that you feel extremely hot after eating a spicy pepper - your body will actually cool down!).

As mentioned, the health benefits of spicy food are mainly due to the antioxidant capsaicin, which is also found in horseradish, radishes, garlic, mustard oil, and even cabbage.

And a little tip: if you're going on a date, eat at least half a hot pepper. Spicy food is an excellent remedy for combating bad breath.

The Surprising Truth About Spicy Food
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