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Datum: 31. MAR 18 - INTERESTING
Plant, which is 100 times stronger than chemotherapy
The story of a 72-year old Canadian forced biologists to start paying attention to dandelion roots ...
The story began in 2012, when doctors gave up on 72-year old John DiCarlo. They tried everything that official medicine offered and DiCarlo was literally sent home to say goodbye to his wife and four children.

Today, DiCarlo remembers his conversation with doctor Caroline Hamm, who advised him that the tea from the dandelion roots can be his last hope. Of course, DiCarlo didn't have any other options other than to follow up on her advice. He continued to take medication against leukemia and at the same time he was drinking up to 4 liters of tea from dried dandelion roots per day.

Three months later, Dr. Hamm called biochemist at the University of Windsor research institute in Canada and reported that a patient who had an incurable form of leukemia has completely recovered after three months of drinking dandelion tea.

Dr. Hamm did something else as well. She alerted the media and various funds that support research projects for the search of new medicines. In just a few days they collected 217.000 $ of donations and a group of biochemists confirmed the healing effects of the dandelion after one month.

Miraculous medicine that was already known to our grandmothers

They confirmed that the dandelion has 100 times more strength in the destruction of cancer cells, while the healthy cells are not affected. In addition, liver regenerates and cholesterol in blood is reduced. In the liter of dandelion tea there is more than 535% of required daily amount of vitamin K and 110% of the required daily amount of vitamin A. It also has a lot of vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C and a lot of minerals (calcium, potassium, folic acid, magnesium, iron...).

Roughly a year after these events, when DiCarlo and Dr. Hamm were guests on television, Hamm recalled that she repeatedly told her patients who went on chemotherapy not to try anything alternative because that would only disturb and diminished the effects of chemotherapy. She never thought dandelion would have such powerful healing effects. Dandelion was advised to Dicarlo, because it was spring with lovely weather and some movement in the nature surely wouldn't hurt him.

How to make dandelion tea at home?

The key ingredients of the dandelion are hidden in the roots. Find large and solid plants that you carefully dig with the spatula from the soil. Carefully clean the roots in order not to damage them then cut the roots into small pieces, put in a dry and airy place and let them dry for 3 to 14 days. When the roots begin to crumble in your hands, they are sufficiently dry.
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