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Datum: 21. JUL 24 - INTERESTING
Summer Drink with Cinnamon is a Health Guardian
Heat, air conditioners in stores and cars - all of this is perfect for summer colds and chills. Make sure you stay safe from temperature shocks.
With every change in temperature, the body is exposed to a shock. And as if it's not enough that on hot summer days we go from air conditioning to the sun, the weather often plays tricks on us too. Temperature differences can be up to 15 degrees in a very short time. And it seems that this summer will be especially dramatic ...

How to protect yourself from summer colds?

Summer colds can be quite annoying, especially if it's over 30 degrees outside, but you're cold and have a fever. Fortunately, you can prepare a simple drink that will act as a shield while also boosting your immune system.

In fact, it's a winter drink in a summer adaptation.

  • ginger
  • cinnamon
  • lemon juice
First, clean and grate the ginger. Mix it with cinnamon (ideally, you should use both ingredients in a 1:1 ratio). Then add lemon juice and, if necessary, a little water. Just enough to get a liquid mixture. Pour all of this into ice cube molds and put it in the freezer.

The immune-boosting ice cubes are best added to water. This way, the drink will be really healthy and refreshing. We recommend a glass of water before each meal and also before bedtime. Cinnamon will help you sleep better. Lemon juice will reduce your appetite before meals (and indirectly help you lose weight). Ginger will help regulate your immune system and digestion ...
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